Well this is the final curtain call for Sully and Eleanor. I am really going to miss this couple. From the moment they meet, becoming a Goddess, the trips to Euphoria, their connection was undeniable no matter how badly they fought against it. To get to experience how things evolve for this pair after all they have been through to be together has been a joy for me as a huge fan of the series. I just wish it didn't have to end!
Sully’s Fantasy bared his soul to his one and only. It epitomises who he truly is and showed Eleanor how much she has influenced him from they have come together.
Jinx’s Fantasy can be anything she desires. Sully will give anything to this woman. With Cinta and Euphoria at their disposal the world is their oyster, and let's face it, it is exciting to be able to become another entity even for a short period of time. It does not diminish or lessen their feelings toward each other if anything this makes their connection stronger, their bond unshakeable, and isn't that everyone Fantasy, to be accepted by you other half for who you are inside and not be ashamed to express your love in any way shape or form.
Sully and Jinx you will be missed❤️🌴
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